What Is This All About?

Suzanne and Hannah are spending their last week on the tiny and beautiful island of Culebra, Puerto Rico! We are sharing with anyone who's interested our everyday adventures.

Please enjoy our time with us, click on the "follow" link, pray for us, write to us, and let us know you're reading!

Suzanne and Hannah

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day Two

This morning I received a phone call from Abbie saying there was a turtle hatching going on at Zoni Beach!!! Although it was about 5 or 5:30 in the morning, I bolted out of bed, woke Hannah, we threw on our swim suits and headed out the six miles to witness the excitement! We were NOT disappointed!! We were able to assist her in getting the last four of 74 baby leatherback sea turtles out to sea! I cannot even begin to explain how excited we both were to be part of this event. I took video of it and have worked much of the day trying to get it to upload, but unfortunately I've so far been unsuccessful... 

The Last Two!!

He's about the size of the palm of my hand.

As far as I know there isn't an English-speaking church on the island, so all morning I was thinking of Westwinds.... However, it was such a God-experience to see those teeny babies swimming out to sea, realizing that they will grow to be over a thousand pounds in adulthood!

They were so excited to be wet!!! It was hilarious!
They all made it to the ocean! Yay!!
Sorting the Eggs
This mama dug a 35-inch hole to lay her eggs in!! Wow!
Upon our return home we did our usual shower and breakfast routine and then went in to meet Abbie at the school. She showed us where my classroom will be. I am so excited and overwhelmed at all that needs to be done, but Hannah worked on cracking open a coconut we found on the beach while I cleaned and began to sort through and organize things. I will take some classroom pictures to share..

After working and lunch we returned to Zoni Beach because Abbie told us that Sunday afternoons the "gringos" meet at Zoni to catch up and hang out. It was nice to chat and begin making acquaintances with people here. Several people we have met or will be meeting are retired teachers! That's fun!!

We then stopped by a little grocery to pick up some popcorn but they don't sell just regular "make-it-yourself" popcorn :/....so we got microwave...just this once. We had decided we'd have a "snack supper" after we showered. It was fun to run into one of the students there! She's really excited to have us here this year, so that was a nice boost for us!

Even our shower tonight was eventful! Right in the middle of it, Hannah's light went out, her hot water quit working, and my water stopped mid-stream. Nadeen had warned us in her note that we needed to take short showers due to the water source being a cistern, but we've been pretty careful about it! Hannah was worried that she had used too much water when she washed the car yesterday, but I assured her that wasn't the reason. I must admit, though, I was nervous about not having water!!!

However, we made our popcorn and brought out the grapes and yogurt from the frig. We plopped in front of the television and Hannah readied "Princess Bride" for us. Then we held hands and prayed. We thanked God for the wonderful opportunities He has already given us and asked Him to help us figure out the water situation and to give us wisdom in all of our choices. It was a precious time spent together.

We enjoyed the movie and as we were putting things away it occurred to me that it could be a circuit breaker issue... Well, turns out that's exactly what it was, so our problem was easily solved!! Yay!

Now Hannah's in bed, hopefully sleeping and I'm ready to turn in, too. Thank you, God, for Your reminders today of your presence and Your love for us!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Suzanne! Thanks for the great posts--keep 'em coming! I will love hearing more of your adventure. I loved the "turtle" story. Keeping you, Hannah, and your family back here at home in my prayers. Stay safe.


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