What Is This All About?

Suzanne and Hannah are spending their last week on the tiny and beautiful island of Culebra, Puerto Rico! We are sharing with anyone who's interested our everyday adventures.

Please enjoy our time with us, click on the "follow" link, pray for us, write to us, and let us know you're reading!

Suzanne and Hannah

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 23: A Dry Rug

Okay, has anyone heard of Irene??? Well, I found out today that the winds were 55 miles per hour that whole night with gusts of up to 80 miles per hour.

No wonder our rug was soaked!!! The water was driving so hard it came through where the wall meets the floor in the front of our house and soaked the big area rug. We had to take it out to try and get it dried out, but the problem has been that it just keeps raining! Not like it rained while Irene was planted upon us, but she spun out all these "after-party presents" that kept the rug from completely drying. It's been "just one more thing," you know?

This morning just as I was thinking it would be the last day for the rug to be hanging on the railing, it started to rain. (Unhappy face.) I hollered for Hannah and we dragged it closer to the house, hanging it over chairs and anything else we could find to keep it propped up. Then I brought out Nadeen's big fan and plugged it in to give it air underneath. By golly, I was determined to get that thing dry and back in its place!

Well, fortunately our efforts paid off and tonight we moved it back in its rightful place under the dining table.

We also went for a walk and swim at Zoni.

We also watched Ella Enchanted.

Our lives are so exciting, huh?

Oh, well, maybe tomorrow we'll have internet again...

Thank you, God, for a dry rug!!!

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